Crescent Homeowners Board of Directors
and Committee Information
The Board welcomes you to our website and encourages you to contact any one of us with any questions you may have about our great neighborhood!
For Calendar Year 2024
President - Vacant
Secretary - Steve Doll - (252) 218-5452
Treasurer - Cynthia Heifner - (502) 494-7114
Please send any correspondence (including dues) to the homeowners association at the following address:
Crescent Homeowners Association
7107 S. Yale Ave. PMB 257
Tulsa, OK 74136-6308
Elected Crescent HOA Architectural Committee Members
Ryan Myers
Walley Johnson
Corey McCormick
Jeff Puckett
Ed Kaplan
Volunteer Crescent HOA Committees and Committee Chairs
Communications - Vacant
Finance - Cynthia Heifner (Chair)
Social - Loren Baldwin (Chair)
Landscaping - Ree Kaplan (Chair)